How to Obtain EIN For Minnesota Foreign LLC

A Minnesota Foreign LLC is a Limited Liability Company that is formed outside the state of Minnesota, but wishes to conduct its business activities within the state. If you are a foreign LLC planning to operate in Minnesota, it is important to obtain an Employer Identification Number (EIN) from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This EIN will serve as a unique identifier for your foreign LLC for tax purposes. In this article, we will discuss the steps to obtain an EIN for your Minnesota Foreign LLC.

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What is an EIN?

An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is a nine-digit number assigned by the IRS to business entities for federal tax filing and reporting purposes. It serves as a unique identifier for your business and is often required for various business transactions and interactions with the government.

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Why do you need an EIN for your Minnesota Foreign LLC?

Obtaining an EIN is a crucial step for a foreign LLC planning to operate in Minnesota for multiple reasons:

1. Tax purposes: You will need an EIN to file federal taxes and fulfill your tax-related obligations as a business entity.

2. Opening a bank account: Most banks will require an EIN to open a business bank account for your foreign LLC.

3. Hiring employees: If your foreign LLC plans to hire employees in Minnesota, you will need an EIN for payroll tax purposes.

4. Compliance requirements: Some business activities, such as obtaining certain licenses and permits, may require an EIN.

Now that you understand the importance of obtaining an EIN for your Minnesota Foreign LLC, let's delve into the steps to obtain one:

Step 1: Determine if you need an EIN

Before applying for an EIN, ensure that your foreign LLC meets the following criteria:

1. Foreign qualification: Your foreign LLC should already be qualified to conduct business in the state of Minnesota. This requires filing the necessary registration documents with the Minnesota Secretary of State.

2. Primary location: You should have a primary physical location, office, or agent for service in Minnesota.

Step 2: Choose the appropriate application method

To obtain an EIN for your Minnesota Foreign LLC, you have two options for applying:

Option 1: Online application

The online application for an EIN is the fastest and most convenient method. To apply online, visit the IRS website and navigate to the EIN application page. Fill out the required information and submit your application electronically. Once validated, you will receive an EIN immediately.

Option 2: Mail or fax application

If you prefer not to apply online, you can complete Form SS-4, Application for Employer Identification Number, and mail or fax it to the IRS. The processing time for mail or fax applications is longer compared to the online method.

Step 3: Gather the required information

No matter which application method you choose, you will need the following information:

1. Legal name: Your foreign LLC's legal name as registered with the state where it was formed.

2. Trade name (if applicable): If your foreign LLC operates under a trade name, provide this information.

3. Tax classification: Determine the appropriate tax classification for your foreign LLC, such as "single-member LLC," "partnership," or "corporation."

4. Primary location: Provide the primary physical address of your foreign LLC in Minnesota.

5. Responsible party: Designate a responsible party, typically an owner or manager, who will act as the primary point of contact for the IRS.

6. Fiscal year: Determine the fiscal year-end month for your foreign LLC. Usually, this aligns with the calendar year-end (December).

Step 4: Complete the application

If you opt for the online application (Option 1), follow the instructions on the IRS website to fill out the required information and submit your application electronically.

If you prefer the mail or fax application (Option 2), complete Form SS-4 with the gathered information. Ensure that you provide accurate and up-to-date information.

Step 5: Receive your EIN

If you applied online, you will receive your EIN immediately upon successful submission of your application.

If you applied by mail or fax, expect a longer processing time. The IRS will review your application and send the EIN to the mailing address provided on Form SS-4.


Obtaining an EIN is a crucial step for a Minnesota Foreign LLC planning to operate within the state. It enables you to fulfill your tax obligations, open a business bank account, hire employees, and comply with various licensing requirements. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can successfully obtain an EIN for your Minnesota Foreign LLC and set a strong foundation for your business operations in the state.

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